Project objectives
- To support food production operators in the green transition from field to table by reducing the chemical load and minimizing the carbon footprint using chemical-free technology.
- Improve plant growth speed and increase plant health, productivity, hygiene, and shelf life.
Research Manager
Martti Latva
tel. 044 710 3060
Project activities
- Developing new technology to produce nano-sized gas bubbles, i.e., nano-oxygen water.
- Study the use, technology, and effects of nano-oxygen water on the growth rate, overall growth and taste of plants and berries in the commercial greenhouses involved in the project.

Videos (In English)
Articles published about the project (In Finnish)
Yritys nappasi innovaatiopalkinnon laitteella, joka toimii samalla periaatteella kuin mummon kasteluniksi | YLE | 18.10.2023
NABLE-hankkeessa nanohappivedellä lisätään kasvihuoneiden tuottavuutta ja kannattavuutta | Hämeenraitti.fi | 12.12.2022
Nanohappivettä kokeillaan kasvihuoneviljelyssä | Kehittyvä elintarvike | 9.6.2022

NABLE is an EIP (European Innovation Partnership) project funded through the Rural Development Programme for Mainland Finland 2014-2020 from the additional funds of the EU Recovery Instrument for the period 2021-2022 and administered by the Häme ELY Centre.