Research Center WANDER offers companies and authorities expert and research services related to water, materials in contact with water and solutions improving hygiene in indoor settings.
As an example of our expert services, we could mention for example the Water Pass trainings and how to build drinking water systems, how to design antimicrobial products, and expertise in product approval and standardization linked to drinking water.
Research services include, for instance, bilateral research projects with companies and publicly funded projects joining several companies.
Representants of WANDER have participated in the following standardization working groups:
- ISO TC 330 Surfaces with biocidal and antimicrobial properties and subgroup ISO NP 7581. From 2021 Merja Ahonen, Ms. Riika Mäkinen.
- CEN/TC164 Water Supply/WG3 Effects of materials in contact with drinking water and several ad hoc groups of WG3. From 2005 Ms. Tuija Kaunisto and Ms. Aino Pelto-Huikko.
- CEN/TC 164 Water Supply/WG 9 Drinking water treatment. Task group (TG)2 Aluminium and iron salts. From 2005 Ms. Riika Mäkinen and Ms. Aino Pelto-Huikko. Chair and coordinator from 2011 Ms. Aino Pelto-Huikko.